Pexels (Jack Biddinger)

Go to a Football Game for the Boys Of Fall and for America

Sadly, COVID is still with us, and the world has yet to return to completely to normal. In some ways, it likely never will. But the American fighting spirit persists, and we simply cannot let this foreign virus dominate our lives forever. Now, that doesn’t mean to throw all caution to the wind. It does, however, mean that we shouldn’t hesitate to return to pre-COVID activities as long as they can be done reasonably safely.  

Many people seem to be on board. Football is already better than last autumn, when the professionals eerily played a spectator sport in empty stadiums, and some college conferences canceled the season altogether. This year, the “boys of fall” fight on, entertaining us once again. Stadiums are packed to the brim with devoted fans. If you haven’t made it to a game yet this year, go. You will find it restorative to your faith in the American ethos. 

One thing you will also find if you make it to a college or professional football game this year: lot and lots of clear bags. If you expect to take items into the venue with you, the only way you are getting them in there is in something that is see-through. It may be a backpack, a tote bag, or even a little clutch. A more traditional cloth school backpack or hiking knapsack? Not going to happen. 

This means you have to be prepared. Make sure you head to the stadium on game day with your own clear bag. Otherwise, you will be forced to overpay to a vendor outside and either find storage for the bag you came with (or discard it altogether). If you do purchase one at the game, you will likely end up with the logo of the home team on it. That’s all well and good, of course, but ideally you want to use your clear bag when you cheer on your other teams as well. The best clear backpacks and clear tote bags are versatile, expressing your pride while not pigeonholing you into one particular fandom. 

That’s the idea behind our bags here at Expersion. We know that no matter what your favorite team is, you are certainly a fan of the good ol’ U. S. of A. and that you are proud to be an American. If your clear backpack has an American flag on it, you can truly take it anywhere. Our clear backpacks and clear tote bags both feature American flag patches, allowing you to display your patriotism. Furthermore, the patch on our tote bags is detachable, you can buy your favorite team’s patch and change it out when needed. 

So, in the spirit of college football (not really!) here is your homework: #1, get to a game, especially if you have not been in years. And #2, go prepared, and go for your country. 

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